Hearing Health Blog

an audiologist showing her patient a set of new hearing aids

What are Invisible-in-canal (IIC) Hearing Aids?

There are many types of hearing aids out there. If you have hearing loss or impairment and you are wondering about your options for you or a loved one, then you are going to want to know what kinds of hearing aids you might be looking at. There are many and they each offer their […]

a happy family gathered at the dinner table for a feast

How to Support Hearing-Impaired Loved Ones?

Hearing loss is not just something that impacts on the life of the person experiencing it, but on everyone who surrounds them in life too. This is an important thing to bear in mind, as it is important to ensure that the individual’s social and family life is still kept intact and that those around […]

a hearing loss patient is receiving the results of his audiogram

Why is a Hearing Test Important?

Most people will experience some degree of hearing loss at some point in their lives. If you have not yet experienced this, you are bound to find that you do eventually, and when you do it’s good to know what to do about it. If you have experienced some hearing loss in the past, then […]