real ear measurement in progress

Why Routine Hearing Tests are Important for Everyone

Regular hearing tests hold a significant role in our overall well-being and should not go unnoticed. These examinations are vital for monitoring the condition of our auditory system and detecting potential issues at an early stage. In the same way that routine medical check-ups contribute to our physical health, hearing tests are essential for safeguarding […]

audiologist looking into the ear of her senior hearing loss patient

The Benefits Of Early Detection And Treatment Of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is something that impacts millions of Americans of all ages and backgrounds and, although it is more prominent as you age, there is nothing definitive to say whether you will or won’t experience hearing loss. It is important that you don’t leave a problem like hearing loss to intensify and get worse as […]

hearing test equipment

Early Hearing Testing: 5 Reasons It Matters

According to a number of studies, the majority of adults regularly get their eyes checked, but the vast majority do not get their hearing checked on a regular basis. It’s a shame because vision problems can be fixed, but once the hair cells in your inner ear are gone, they can’t be replaced because they […]

a hearing examination in progress

How Does an Audiologist Conduct a Hearing Test?

If you’re beginning to experience hearing loss, then it’s important that you’re taking steps to improve things. The recommended course of action is to book an appointment; they’ll have the experience and know-how that’ll tell you the current standard of your hearing, and the treatment options available to you. The first step is to conduct […]

a hearing loss patient is receiving the results of his audiogram

Why is a Hearing Test Important?

Most people will experience some degree of hearing loss at some point in their lives. If you have not yet experienced this, you are bound to find that you do eventually, and when you do it’s good to know what to do about it. If you have experienced some hearing loss in the past, then […]