According to a number of studies, the majority of adults regularly get their eyes checked, but the vast majority do not get their hearing checked on a regular basis. It’s a shame because vision problems can be fixed, but once the hair cells in your inner ear are gone, they can’t be replaced because they aren’t replaced by new ones.

Hearing aids are functionally comparable to eyeglasses; however, unlike eyeglasses, hearing aids are unable to repair damage. Hearing loss can be treated more effectively the earlier it is identified and treated. Are you debating whether or not it would be beneficial to make an appointment with an audiologist? Here are five compelling arguments in favor of getting your hearing checked

The Tests Are Painless 

There is absolutely no discomfort involved in getting your hearing checked, so don’t worry about that. Your ears will undergo a physical examination by the audiologist, during which they will look for any signs of earwax impaction or infection. After that, you have at least two hearing tests to determine how well you can hear different volumes of sound and different pitches of sound. You put on headphones and listen for tones that range from soft to loud, high to low and everything in between. The results are recorded by the audiologist. 

Once these tests are ran, your audiologist will discuss the results with you, and recommend if you need hearing aids or a different treatment depending on the severity of your hearing loss, if there is any.

To Catch Hearing Loss Early 

Hearing loss affects one in three individuals who are 60 years old or older. The longer you wait to get treatment for it, the greater the likelihood that your brain will require more time to figure out how to process certain sounds. The sooner you get treatment, the better. When treatment is started when someone has mild hearing loss, they adapt to hearing aids faster and their brains are able to actively process a greater variety of sounds. 

To Establish a Baseline 

If you are in your 50s or older and the last time you had your hearing tested was when you were in school, it is time for you to schedule an appointment. If the results of your tests indicate that you have little to no significant hearing loss, the audiologist will be able to compare those results to the findings of any future tests that may indicate that hearing aids are necessary for you.

The results will be compared to subsequent tests to determine if there is hearing loss. Your audiologist, will talk you through if you have hearing loss, finding the best treatment for you and your needs is in your best interest. You can take this preventative measure to keep your hearing loss from progressing.

For Health Reasons 

Hearing impairment is not exclusively associated with advancing age; rather, it can be caused by a variety of factors such as buildup of earwax. Hearing tests can be helpful in protecting your hearing if you spend your day working in a noisy environment. Hearing loss is one of many symptoms that can be caused by a variety of diseases and conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and Meniere’s disease.

Ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus, can be an indicator of hearing loss. An audiologist can help patients recover from temporary hearing loss that is caused by ear infections or impacted earwax in some cases. Hearing loss is another potential side effect of taking certain medications. 

If You Turn Up the Volume on Your Audio Device 

If you find that you need to turn up the volume on the television or radio in order to hear the dialogue, it is a good idea to schedule a hearing exam, especially if other members of your family complain about it. The same is true for conversation; if you find yourself asking others to repeat themselves frequently or if you struggle to understand what is being said around you in social settings like restaurants or parties, you may have some degree of hearing loss. It is in your best interest to get it checked out as soon as possible rather than waiting.

For more information on hearing loss and to find out about how to go about getting a hearing test done, get in touch with us at Albuquerque Hearing and Balance by calling us at: (505) 750-9569.