Dementia Prevention

Hearing loss makes social situations overwhelming, confusing, and embarrassing. For this reason, many people with decreased hearing abilities avoid crowded places, socializing, and parties. The fear of missing or misunderstanding conversations becomes paralyzing.

But without conversations and stimulation, cognitive abilities shrink rapidly. After all, we hear with our brains (with help from the ears). If the parts of the brain that process speech weaken, ailments like dementia develop more readily. That’s why many doctors know the best way to stay mentally strong is to be socially active.

One of the most powerful benefits of hearing aids is increased socialization or, put another way, decreased isolation. When hearing loss is corrected the person gains lost confidence and is no longer a prisoner in their home, They are more active socially, engage in more conversations, and experience more cognitive stimulation. All of which means more smiles and laughter.

The Importance of Treating Hearing Loss Early

New research proves that the benefits of correcting decreased hearing include a powerful boost to brain health and happiness. Cognitive decline has been connected to early stages of hearing loss, and quick detection of decreased hearing has the greatest positive impact on cognitive abilities.

Put simply, you can decrease your risk of isolation and cognitive decline, including dementia, by monitoring your hearing abilities and treating any hearing loss as early as possible.

How We Can Help

We offer top-to-bottom services to evaluate your hearing abilities and offer solutions, like hearing aids, to counteract any loss.

  • Thorough hearing evaluations to determine the type and severity of hearing impairment
  • Personalized assessments to determine which hearing devices would best suit your needs
  • Fittings for custom, finely tuned hearing devices
  • Frequent follow-ups to monitor progress and maintain devices