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Maria e1553973191682

Maria Jaunakais, Au.D.

Doctor Of Audiology

Meet Maria Jaunakais, Au.D.

Maria joined Albuquerque Hearing and Balance in September 2017 following three years of clinical practice with Albuquerque Speech Language Hearing Center. She moved to Albuquerque in May 2014 after decades in the humid mid-Atlantic. Maria received her Bachelors in Hearing and Speech Sciences from the University of Maryland in College Park, earned her Doctorate of Audiology from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, and completed a one-year fellowship at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. Her clinical interests include rehabilitation with hearing instruments in both pediatric and adult populations, cochlear implants in adults, and custom hearing protection for industrial and recreational settings. She works with patients across the lifespan and with all levels of hearing acuity.